There is no doubt that social media has forever changed the way that we talk to our audiences. As part of our brand, social media channels should integrate with the established brand guidelines relating to message, tone, color, university marks, departmental logos and UNT campaign images.
Social media brand guidelines
- Cover photos, large banners and account avatars will include the UNT lettermark.
- Cover photos, large banners and account avatars will include UNT green.
- Departments must follow departmental guidelines relating to unit logos found in this guide.
- Social media account names should include UNT or University of North Texas.
- Social profile descriptions should also include UNT and the University of North Texas.
- Official accounts used for university business must use the UNT marks.
Social media brand experience guidelines
Social media also has changed our audience’s expectations. Social media is where we live our brand on a daily basis. We illustrate our brand by being timely, helpful and conversational, and by providing value.
- Assess how many social channels you can successfully manage. It’s better to do a great job in one channel than a mediocre job in several.
- View and respond to posts on your social media channels at least once per day.
- Engage with posts on channels in a timely manner.
- Don’t delete negative posts but try to assist the poster.
- Be friendly at all times. Don’t argue with negative posters.
- Correct any information that is not accurate.
- Post useful content and start conversations.
- If you cannot answer a question or an issue, find someone who can.
- If you post a mistake, apologize for it in the post or on the channel.